Monday, July 6, 2009

A bug's life

After waited for 4 sem, finally I've got internet in vista..
Finally.. Finally..
Suddenly, I vaguely remembered KC asking me:" How can u live without internet, especially during weekends at vista?"
Well, I admit that I look kind of nerdy..

I got this cute forwarded email from my friend. It is about soft toys with microbes as main theme. Check this out..

Let me introduce: TaTa!! Plasmodium Falciparum, which causes malaria.

Chicken little? You're almost there.. chicken pox virus!!

This is lovely Mononucleosis. Mind you, it is infectious!!

This is my favourite, Neiserria Gonorrhoea.. Look at its innocent eyes,haha!!

I never like microbiology, but these toys are simply irresistible..

'We live and work and dream,
Each has his little scheme,
Sometimes we laugh,
Sometimes we cry,
And thus the days go by.’

So, sweet dreams everyone~~~